
Your Guide to our Company - DISCUSSION OUTLINE

At Sun Engineering & Consultancy, we specialize in delivering comprehensive Structural Engineering Services tailored to meet the highest standards of safety, reliability, and efficiency. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we cater to a wide range of structural needs, ensuring that your projects remain resilient, sustainable, and compliant with regulatory norms.


* Consultancy Work

 We offer design, engineering and Proof Checking services.

• Design of industrial shed, Pipe rack, Technological structure, Static and rotating machine foundation, design of circular platform, design of tank farm area, paving design in industrial plants.

• High rise building involving RCC, Steel structure.

• Design of water tank, underground structure-Hydraulic structure.

• Design of culvert, RCC steel and composite type bridges, design of tunnel. Review and approval of all drawings.

* Structural Audits

• We are specialists in Structural Audit, Non-Destructive Evaluation &

• Assessment of Structures for Industrial, commercial and residential structures.

• We are service providers of Structural Design and Project Management for repairs & redevelopment to residential, commercial and industrial projects.

* Surveying

• We provide engineering land surveying and layout marking and demarcation